The Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife has promoted the publication of a special edition of Tales of the Alhambra, on occasion of 175 anniversary of the first edition of the work by Washington Irving (London, 1832). Editor of this new edition is Miguel Sánchez, the introduction is by Andrés Soria, and the translation, foreword and observation notes by Ricardo Villa-Real. The edition will be presented in seven languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Russian.
The well-known ‘Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife, is offered to the public as an extract of this commemorative edition on the website of the Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife, in the seven languages mentioned above.
Tales of the Alhambra can be considered as the first world-wide promotion action of the monument. Washington Irving is the writer which most has contributed to the diffusion of the Monumental Complex of the Alhambra and the Generalife. Hundreds of editions of his work The Alhambra or Tales of the Alhambra have been made in the course of time, so there are millions of books published, as well as translations to many different languages, what is proving the enormous success of the work and its author, even during his life time.