
The Council of the Alhambra starts a new cycle of guided tours carried out by specialists.

The Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife starts next Friday a new edition of the program of Visits guided by specialists, which will begin with a cycle dedicated to the Symbolism and decoration. This activity will take place Fridays, from 16:00 hours, and Saturdays and Sundays, at 10:00 in the morning, and it will continue until next month of June.
Persons willing to participate in this activity will have book in advance their ticket through the office of the Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife in the Corral del Carbón or by telephone at 958 22 11 18. 
Professor José Miguel Puerta Vílchez of the department of History of Art will inaugurate this cycle of visits next Friday. The tour expected for that day will start off from the main door of the Palace of Charles V to later visit the Patio de Machuca,  Oratorio, Palacios de Comares (higher rooms), Patio de los Leones, Patio del Harén, higher rooms of the Sala de Dos hermanas, Torre de la Cautiva and will conclude in the Torre de las Infantas, place that is usually closed to the public and which exceptionally will be open for this tour. 
The following day, the nazarí art in the decoration of the palatal spaces will be protagonist of the visit that professor Emilio Villanueva Muñoz of History of Art will lead; whereas Ceferino Ruiz Garrido will base the content of his route, which will take place Sunday at 10:00 hours, in the search of the geometric simbology of the Alhambra.
In April, it will start the cycle entitled the Alhambra : nature and will be made by three specialists:  the architect Pedro Salmerón who will base his visit on the gardens of the Monumental complex; professor Jose Manuel García Montes, who will emphasize the importance of the ornamental flora of the Alhambra and the Generalife and biologist Manuel Martín, who will explain the importance of the fauna in the monument.
Those interested in discovering the Alhambra from a genre perspective, will have the opportunity to do it guided by the Director of the Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife, María del Mar Villafranca, Friday 11 April at 16:00h. On the other hand, María Antonia Lopez-Burgos will explain the passage of romantic female travelers by the Alhambra and Paula Sanchez will tour the public and private spaces: the feminine scope in architecture.

The guided visit by José Manuel Gómez-Moreno Calera, April 18th, will be included within the cycle of the Christian Alhambra and will be entitled The transformations of the Alhambra in the 16th century. On the following day, Juan Manuel Martín García will lead the participants to the Renaissance; whereas Juan Antonio Vilar Sánchez will explain the polyorcetic transformations in times of the Catholic Monarchs.
The conservation projects of the Alhambra and the Generalife will culminate the month of April. Architect conservator of the Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife, Francisco Lamolda, will focus his visit on the different perspectives for an architect of the Monument and Conservation. On the other hand, the person in charge of maintenance of the independent body, Jorge Calancha, will center his visit on the works carried out in the wall of the Garden of the Adarves; whereas restorer Ramon Rubio Domene will do the same on the Puerta del Vino and the Sala de las Camas, Sunday 27 April.
The guided visit of the General Secretary of the Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife, Victoria E.Chamorro, will have as protagonist the use of water in the landscape of the Alhambra; whereas María Cullel explains the nazari hydraulic system and Nani Biedma will analyze the importance of water and architecture in the monumental complex. 
Photography and cinema will have their own space within the program of guided visits by specialists. Thus The constant look in the Alhambra: the photography, the look in movement: cinema and the Alhambra or the photographic look on the Alhambra in the 19th century will be a unique opportunity to know this monument from other perspectives.
Journalist Rafael del Pino will lead the participants to his visit through the music of  the 19th and 20th century and its relationships with the Alhambra. On the following day, Saturday 31 May, Reynaldo Fernandez Manzano will make a tour centered on the music of the nazarí kingdom of Granada and the moor period and the Director of the International Festival of Music and Dance of Granada, Enrique Gámez, will show the scenic spaces of this unique place in the world.
The contemporary  visions in the Alhambra (in charge of architect Juan Domingo Santos), the controversial interventions in the heritage of the Alhambra (by Emilio Atienza) and the Alhambra of Prieto-Moreno (by Aroa Romero Gallardo) will inaugurate the guided tours by specialists during the month of June.
The finishing touch of this program will be in charge of archaeology technical advisor, Jesus Bermúdez, with a visit through the Alhambra:   result of the archaeology; Pablo Casado, who will explain the archaeological Management and the new Law on Heritage, and Antonio Malpica Cuello, who will emphasize the value of the Albercones as archaeological model in the Alhambra.
The program of guided tours by specialists is included within the program The Alhambra closer, with which the Council of the Alhambra and the Generalife attempts to approach historical heritage to the citizens and to enjoy a satisfactory and enriching experience in one of the most exceptional places in the world. 
The price of each visit is 6 euros and the minimum age to register is 12 years, corresponding to the students of secondary school. The Council of the Alhambra offers other activities, like the Alhambra and children, specially thought for the school community. For that reason, children below the age mentioned are not allowed.

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