Latticework of the Hall of the two Sisters
Hours: Every Saturday in June, at 12 a.m.
Location: Hall IV, Museum of the Alhambra, Palace of Charles V.
The Latticework closed one of the openings in the upper floor of the Qubba Mayor / Sala de Dos Hermanas (Hall of the two Sisters) of the Palace of Riyad / the Lions, built under Muhammad V in 1380.
The room has a central space with square ground floor covered with a splendid stalactite dome on octagonal tambour. In the ground floor it is flanked by three lateral rooms. The room opposite to the entrance opens to the Sala de los Ajimeces (Sala de Dos Hermanas) and Mirador de Lindaraja (Lindaraja Balcony). The lattice we will talk about was located on a false window over this room´s entrance.
This lattice is a Nasrid woodwork whose construction alternates interlaced pattern with the decoration of turned beads.
The piece is made of pine wood and originally it showed a series of colours in red, white and black on the gauges and lines.