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Edited by Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair
Yale University Press, 2015
The first Hamad bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art and Culture was held in 2004, since when this two-yearly event has become the most important international conference in this field.
Each symposium focuses on the role and importance of a particular essential feature or concept in Islamic art and culture.
To this end the second Symposium held in 2007, which consolidated the event as a biennial, was entitled Rivers of Paradise, Water in Islamic Art and Culture, and takes us into the highly prized world of WATER; the third in 2009, And diverse are their Hues, Color in Islamic Art and Culture, explores COLOR; the fourth in 2011, God is beautiful and loves Beauty, the Object in Islamic Art and Culture, deals with the importance of the OBJECT, of detail and of little things; and lastly the fifth Symposium, held in Palermo in 2013 and published in 2015, entitled God is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, Light in Islamic Art and Culture, reflects on LIGHT as a fundamental element for understanding art.
All these beautiful books have been published by Yale University Press by two highly-respected experts in this field, the husband and wife team of Jonathan Bloom and Sheila Blair.
All these books can be found in the Alhambra Library and are available for use and consultation.
María del Mar Melgarejo Jaldo