Protección del patrimonio histórico en la España democrática (The protection of historic heritage in Spain during the democracy) analyses the principal findings of the Excellence in Research Project Estudio comparado de las políticas de protección del Patrimonio Histórico en España. Creación del Observatorio del Patrimonio Histórico Español (A comparative study of historic heritage protection policies in Spain: The setting up of the Spanish Historic Heritage Observatory), overseen by Professor Ignacio Henares Cuéllar of the University of Granada Department of History of Art and Music, at the head of a large group of researchers.
The study is an admirable exercise in the transmission of knowledge, often forgotten and neglected in the field of the Arts, and is also of great relevance for the future.
This publication will undoubtedly become an essential reference in the history of cultural patronage in contemporary Spain and, even more importantly, will revolutionise how we approach, understand and analyse in greater detail the complex, disperse and largely unrecognised patronage extended by the State over Spain’s historic heritage.
Juan Manuel Martín García. Tenured professor at the Department of History of Art and Music, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of Granada.