The magazine ph, quarterly publication of the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (Andalusian national heritage institute, IAPH) presents the research results, news and opinions to spread and encourage the debate on relevant issues concerning the Cultural Heritage. In the creation process of this magazine is working a wide team of professionals, coordinated by the Education and Communication Department of the IAPH.
In the last issue published in May, 2009, the researchers of the Department of Painting at the University of Seville, Maria José González López and Vanessa Martínez Calvo, expose the methods used in the intervention in the paintings of the Sala de los Reyes (Hall of the Kings) in the Alhambra in Granada. In the article, they insist in the procedures carried out, the software applied and the basic tools used, necessary to establish a method that can be applied afterwards.
The development of multimedia systems has opened an research field applied to intervention in cultural goods, not only to the traditional fields, but also to the digital image treatment, as it is shown in this process.
The study and development of this methodology are part of one of the different projects of intervention in the Monumental Complex, in which the IAPH participates since January, 2007, by request of the Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife, and fruit of the agreement of collaboration between both institutions.