The Alhambra is the theme of an anthology of poetry. Teacher and poet José Carlos Rosales, of the Granada Academy for Belles Lettres and the board of directors of Granada’s Ateneo, chose the works after a difficult selection process, which originated in the Expert-Guided Tour programme.
The Lara Foundation, on a proposal of PAG, took up the initiative of publishing, in its acclaimed Vandalia collection, this poetic anthology, aimed at all poetry lovers and the many enthusiastic admirers of the Nasrid site, considered a universal reference in Andalusian culture and a constant source of inspiration for generations of writers and artists.
The book contains a selection of poems by Spanish and Latin-American writers, all featuring the Alhambra, from anonymous Reconquest Romances to contemporary poets, testifying to five centuries of fascination that have left a profound impression on Hispanic literature.
Garcilaso de la Vega, San Juan de la Cruz, Lope de Vega, Góngora, Zorrilla, Juan Valera, Rubén Darío, Unamuno, Villaespesa, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca, Borges, Álvaro Mutis and Antonio Carvajal are just some of the names featured in the anthology, which also contains information on each poet and a brief description of the circumstances in which the works were composed.