Juan Calatrava, Francisco García Pérez, David Arredondo (eds.) Universidad de Granada, 2016
The publications that result from a conference, meeting or seminar are in a word, rich. Rich in that they offer a voice to such a large number of very diverse researchers, rich in the breadth of nations they represent, rich in the way they update their particular field of knowledge, rich in short for the effort of publication of such a vast, heterogeneous mass of material, which at the same time is interlinked by a common interest.
This is why the Alhambra Library’s recommended reading for the month of April is the book resulting from the International Congress entitled La cultura y la ciudad, imagen y representación de lo urbano, ciudades históricas y eventos culturales, (Culture and the city, image and representation of the urban, historic cities and cultural events) which was held at the University of Granada Architecture School from 15th – 17th April 2015.
Over its 1105 pages this book follows the structure of the Congress which was divided into three sections: 1. The codified image, representations of the urban; 2. The integrating image, heritage and urban cultural landscape and 3. Culture and the city. 134 papers, 20 of which were about Granada.
We feel sure that a reading of all or just some of these essays will be of interest to the potential reader, be they a specialist or a lay-person in this field.