The Andalusian Center of Contemporary Art (CAAC) and the Center of Photography of the University of Salamanca publish, in a book of great format, the first exhaustive summary of the work of María Bleda and José María Rosa, for the exhibition that takes place, from the 5 of February to the 3 of May of this year, in the Monastery of the Cartuja of “Santa Maria de las Cuevas” of Seville, head office of the CAAC.
The catalogue assembles the totality of the principal photographic series that these artists have done up to this moment: Football fields, Battlefields, Cities, Origin and the four architectural works.
Between the projects that compile Bleda and Rosa, stands out those, which were done in the Alhambra, Medina Azahara or Berlin, where it can be, appreciated its orientation towards the analysis and the observation of the conditions of the constructed architecture.
The artists, rewarded recently with the National Prize of Photography, renew their typical interest of the history and the memory, within nowadays culture, but from the sense of its functionality, either by the work and the production; the construction and administration of the memory; the habitability or the power centers. In the new photographic series of Bleda and Rosa the dialectics established between memory, history and function constitutes the heart of this project.