“Architectural monuments of Spain. Arabic palace of the Alhambra” corroborates the monument as a model in the conservation sphere. Furthermore, it admits the role that the School of Architecture of Madrid had in the middle of the 19th century, to make known the Spanish heritage. The authors grant an important value to the reprinting of the series of engravings and drawings, which served as preparatory material for the works of preservation of complex of Granada.
In this case, the series of drawings of the Alhambra becomes a reference of great importance, which completes the documentary production of the monument, and into a way for the learning of the Architecture. Also stands out the reflection on the graphical life of the Alhambra and the production that exists, since it relates it to the first interventions that are affected in the history, as for Heritage.
Two exhaustive studies precede the publication. In the first one, the professor of the Technical Advanced School of Architecture of Madrid, Javier Ortega Vidal, he thinks about the importance of the graphical documentation in the architecture and, in this case, in its relation with the Alhambra. The second work done by the researcher Miguel Sobrino González, got depth inside a collection of a series of models and reproductions of plaster of the Alhambra, which possess a great historical-material value and of conservation.
This edition on the Alhambra forms part of the series Architectural Monuments of Spain, which was produced at the request of the High school of Architecture of Madrid, in the middle of the 19th century.