The is proud to present a series of guided themed tours of the On the first, second, third and fourth Sunday of the month, from noon onwards, as part of a free programme, voluntary guides from the will take a close look at Hispano-Islamic culture, through the museum’s collections.
Themed visits for June will deal with society Nazarí. This presentation will be a state of the situation at the beginning of musulmanes settlement in the Iberian Peninsula and the organization of government in al-Andalus separating political power and its instruments, emphasizing justice. The cities, their creations and changes, the social fabric of the people, social classes and rules of behavior. Also will review the work area and will work elements as medicine with significant advances and their reputation in the Christian area: advances in science, agriculture will be maintained model over the centuries, the so admired arts, literature and industry.
Horario: 2º y 3er domingos, días 9 y 16th JUNE, a las 12 h
Lugar: Museo de la Alhambra , Palacio de Carlos V
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