Whitemargined Spurge, Snow-on-the-mountain, Summer Icicle
The “Whitemargined Spurge”, “Snow-on-the-mountain” or “Summer Icicle” (Euphorbia marginata Pursh.) is native to North America. It is an annual, fast-growing species which reaches a height of about 60 cm. It was given its Latin generic name by Pliny in honour of Euphorbus, the personal physician to King Juba II of Numidia (1st century B.C.), who is said to have discovered the toxic principles of the latex of these plants. Its specific name refers to the whitish margin of its leaves. It has probably been used in the flowerbeds of the Alhambra and Generalife gardens since the 1970s; during the summer months it contrasts with other more colourful flowers such as Scarlet Sage (see photo). At present, it is a still relatively unknown plant, which surprises our visitors every summer.