Globe Amaranth
Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa L.) is an annual, upright herb, native to Central and South America (Panama, Guatemala and Brazil). As the Globe amaranth is between 30-60 cms in height, it is a very suitable plant for mixed borders in combination with taller plants although it is also quite common to find it here in flower beds growing almost on its own. It is easy to grow and is used mainly because of the magnificent contrast of colours between its leaves and its abundant, showy and persistent inflorescences. Depending on the variety or cultivar, they range in colour from white, pink, red, purple to orange. Once they have dried, the flowers do not lose their colour or globe shape and are frequently used to make flower arrangements. In the Alhambra and Generalife, it is grown in full sun and stays in bloom from late June to early November.