Draw with your family
Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife (PAG) is pleased to offer Draw with your family in the Museum of the Alhambra. This new free activity consists of a guided tour through the Museum of the Alhambra, located in the Palace of Carlos V. Afterwards, the children will draw the museum piece that they found most interesting or attractive. Groups will be made up of a maximum of 15 people, including parents and schoolchildren (6th year, primary school). The activity, part of the A closer look at the Alhambra programme, will take place at 10 am and noon each Saturday and Sunday in March and April 2012, and lasts 2 hours.
The drawings will be entered in a competition to be held to coincide with International Museum Day, on 18 May, and will be displayed in a virtual exhibition at the entry to the museum and on the official PAG website (museum).
Persons interested in the activity can find further information at the offices of the Education in the Alhambra programme, at Corral del Carbon, at 12 Mariana Pineda, by ringing +34 958575126, or by emailing alhambraeduca.pag@juntadeandalucia.es.