Granada Convención Internacional Economía del Patrimonio Mundial. (Granada International Convention on Economics of World Heritage)

La Convención Internacional de Granada sobre Economía del Patrimonio Mundial es un foro científico organizado por Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife y la Asociación Internacional de Economía de la Cultura (ACEI), y apoyado por la UNESCO, que tendrá lugar los próximos días 20 y 21 de marzo en la sala de conferencias del Palacio de Carlos V.
Esta convención internacional tiene como fin crear un foro de discusión entre académicos y expertos en economía del patrimonio mundial, junto con representantes de instituciones culturales internacionales y gestores de sitios patrimoniales mundiales.
Se abordan temas como la valoración económica e impacto turístico, la gobernanza y sostenibilidad de los sitios, los problemas de preservación y riesgo del patrimonio mundial, nuevas fórmulas de cooperación internacional, la implicación de las comunidades en la sostenibilidad y los efectos del patrimonio sobre la creatividad y el desarrollo económico local, entre otros. Se ha logrado reunir a académicos de diferentes universidades del mundo, junto con expertos de las más importantes instituciones culturales en la materia, así como una amplia representación geográfica mundial de casos de estudio, que discutirán sobre todos estos temas, con el ánimo de promover el intercambio en el conocimiento y los resultados prácticos y útiles para la gestión y la planificación del patrimonio mundial.
Fechas: 20 y 21 de marzo de 2025.
Horario: mañana y tarde.
Lugar: sala de conferencias del Palacio de Carlos V.
Las conferencias dispondrán de servicio de traducción simultanea.
Acceso gratuito previa cumplimentación del formulario de inscripción que se encuentra al final de esta página web.
Granada International Convention on Economics of World Heritage
The Granada International Convention on the Economics of World Heritage is a scientific forum organized by the Alhambra and Generalife Council and the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI), supported by UNESCO. It aims to provide a forum for discussion among academics and experts in world heritage economics, along with representatives of international cultural institutions and managers of world heritage sites.
Topics such as economic valuation and tourism impact, governance and sustainability of sites, problems of preservation and risks facing world heritage, new formulas for international cooperation, the involvement of communities in sustainability and the effects of heritage on creativity and local economic development, among others, will be addressed. The Convention has been able to gather scholars from different universities around the world, together with experts from the most important cultural institutions in the field, as well as a wide geographical representation of world case studies. Participants will discuss all these topics with the aim of promoting exchange of knowledge and practical and useful results for the management and planning of world cultural heritage.
9-00 -9-30 Welcome addresses. Alhambra Council and ACEI
9.30 – 10.00
Opening Keynote Lecture
-World Heritage sites for sustainability, inclusion, and resilience
Jyoti Hosagrahar. Deputy-Director. UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Chair of the Session: Luis César Herrero Prieto. University of Valladolid
10.00 – 11.30
1. World Heritage, space and creativity
-Governing multiple UNESCO designations in European regions: a cultural district perspective
Enrico Bertacchini, G. Segre, M. Fischetti, M. Dattilo. University of Turin, UNESCO Chair on the Economics of Culture and Heritage
-Creativity and Cultural Heritage: An Analysis of the Creative Dimensions in World Heritage Cities through the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor
Mafalda Gómez-Vega, Iván Boal. University of Valladolid
-Public policies for cultural and creative industries: from theory to practice
Trinidad Zaldivar. Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Chair of the Session: Douglas Noonan. Indiana University
11:30 – 12:00 Break
12.00 – 13.30
2. World Heritage: economic valuation and impact
-The market value of world heritage sites. Hedonic pricing of oenotourism in Alto Douro Wine Region
Lina Lourenço-Gomes, Alexandre Guedes; Tânia Gonçalves; João Rebelo. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
-Economic valuation of access to historical heritage: the case of the Teotihuacán Archaeological Zone in Mexico
Blanca Garza-Acevedo, Luis Quintana-Romero, Manuel Pérez-Tapia. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
-Economic Valuation and Tourism in UNESCO Cultural Ecosystems. The Case of the Coffee Cultural Landscape in Colombia
Jonathan Daniel Gómez Zapata. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Chair of the Session: Marcos Valdivia. Autonomous National University of México
13.30 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.30
3. World Heritage analysis and sustainability
-How sustainable are World Heritage Cities? Evaluating efficiency for a European sample
Luis César Herrero-Prieto, María José del Barrio-Tellado, Martín Sebastián Rondón Raigoza. University of Valladolid and National University of Colombia
-Few Cultural World Heritage sites provide an official management plan and information on sustainable visitor management
Martin Thomas Falk, Eva Hagsten. University of South Eastern Norway
-Sustainable urban rescue policies in Latin America’s historical cities
Diego Aulestia Valencia. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (ECLAC/CEPAL)
Chair of the Session: Trinidad Zaldivar. Inter-American Development Bank
17.30 – 18.00 Break
18.00 – 19.30
4. World Heritage and tourism
-World Heritage Sites and income growth at the local level: spatial effects and the risks of overtourism
Silvia Cerisola, Elisa Panzera. Politecnico di Milano
-Economic Impact of International Tourism Visiting UNESCO World Heritage Archaeological Sites in Mexico
Rodrigo Morales-López, Marcos Valdivia-López Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
-How Cultural Heritage Shapes Residents’ Image and Tourism Support: The Mediating Role of Local Pride
Valentina Montalto, Federica Galli. KEDGE Business School
Chair of the Session: Celia Martínez Yáñez. University of Granada
9.00 – 11.00
5. World Heritage: on site governance and management
-Value creation and managing plan of a complex cultural ecosystem. The case of the Alhambra and Generalife
Rodrigo Ruiz-Jiménez Carrera. General Director of the Alhambra and Generalife Council
-Cultural heritage restoration, visitors’ experience evaluation and “green” preferences. Evidence from an Italian UNESCO site
Ilde Rizzo, Marina Cavalieri, Paolo Ferrara, Marco Martorana. University of Catania
-Some Economics of Engaging Community in Conserved World Heritage: Lessons from Major US Art Museums
Doug Noonan, Joanna Woronkowicz, Dylan Thompson. Indiana University Indianapolis
-Role of Visitor Centers in Unesco designated sites
Frédérique Aubert and Matteo Rosati. UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe
Chair of the Session: Darina Saliba Abi Chedid. Qatar University.
11:00 – 11:30 Break
11.30 – 13.30
6. World Heritage and community involvement
-Dynamics of Leveraging Community as Cultural Capital in India’s World Heritage Sites
Kamalika Bose. Heritage Synergies India and ICOMOS International
-Community engagement and private sponsoring in heritage preservation
Pablo Longoria. World Monuments Fund
-Technological sustainability of traditional crafts and practices. The case of Ksar de Ait Ben Hadu, World Heritage site
Faissal Cherradi Akbil. Councilor at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Culture. Kingdom of Morocco
-The historic city of Grand-Bassam, facing the challenge of sustainable development in Côte d’Ivoire
Romaric Djako. Coordinator of the Historic Town of Grand-Bassam, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Chair of the Session: Enrico Bertacchini. University of Turin
13.30 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 18.00
7. World Heritage in risk
-Incorporating climate risks planning in site management plans of UNESCO listed cultural world heritage sites: Set-theoretical analysis
Monish Bajracharya. University of South-eastern Norway
-Challenges and Strategies for World Heritage Protection: A Case Study of the Old City of Byblos, Lebanon
Darina Saliba Abi Chedid. Qatar University. Governing Council Member of UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES. Former Director of the UNESCO International Center for Human Sciences (CISH) in Lebanon
-World archaeological heritage protection: natural threats and human pressures. A review of case studies in Nepal and South Asia
Robin Coningham. University of Durham and UNESCO’s Chair on Archaeological Ethics and Practice in Cultural Heritage
-Heritage Under Pressure: Climate Change and Sustainable Tourism Adaptation for Italian UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Paola Borrione, Martha Friel, Irene Pinto. Fondazione Santagata, IULM University, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Chair of the Session: Ilde Rizzo. Catania University
18.00 – 18.45
Conclusions recap and closing ceremony
Silvia Cerisola. Politecnico University of Milano
Chair of the Session: Rodrigo Ruiz-Jiménez Carrera. General Director of the Alhambra and Generalife Council.

‘Paisajes de la Alhambra y el Albaicín’. Alhambra_Artes: talleres de dibujo
Este taller se celebrará el día 15 de marzo en el Carmen de los Porcel y es necesaria la inscripción previa gratuita.
Jornadas de formación. Guías de turismo
Se celebrarán durante el mes de marzo y contarán con la participación de varios expertos en el patrimonio cultural.
La expulsión de los moriscos granadinos. Conferencias
Las conferencias tendrá lugar el día 8 de marzo, a las 12:00 horas, en el salón de actos del Palacio de Carlos V, con acceso gratuito hasta completar aforo.
Taller de patrimonio granadino en extinción
Se realizará el próximo día 5 de Marzo entre las 10:00 y 12:00 horas en el Palacio de Carlos V
Granada, la libertad creativa. Fortuny: geografía sentimental de un pintor
Las conferencias tendrá lugar los días 4 y 11 de marzo a las 18:00 horas en el salón de actos del Palacio de Carlos V, con acceso gratuito hasta completar aforo.
Club de lectura de la Alhambra 2025
El Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife pone en marcha proximamente su Club de Lectura.